How Leaders Focus When Negative Emotions Get Really Really Tough…

How Leaders Focus When Negative Emotions Get Really Really Tough…

One of the reasons we do not face our goals is because, faced with an unexpected barrier that we are unsure how to deal with, we shut down. Creating any goal first requires an unperturbable focus, especially when emotions run high. We need to stay flexible and adherent to what is going on internally without […]

When to Hire a Chief Operating Officer

As leaders of growing organizations, it’s all too easy to fall into a trap that prevents us from doing our best work. Over time, responsibilities accumulate out of necessity, and suddenly we’re too busy being busy to do the things that would make us less busy… We get too good at the wrong things and […]

Practical Insight: Four A’s to Learn

Four A's

Change comes in two forms: planned change, where we put intentions in motion to bring about new outcomes, and adaptive change, where circumstances beyond our control introduce newness that we must adjust to. But even within these two forms, elements of the other are present. In our planned efforts, unexpected events derail our best intentions. […]

Practical Insight: Ungrip

We know from experience that we can’t control everything. It’s a fact of life that we encounter time and time again, whether it’s an unsuccessful attempt to change someone else’s behavior or feeling helpless about something happening far outside our realm of influence. We can accept that as part of reality, but more importantly, we […]

Practical Insight: Choose to Be Happy

What is happiness? Is it a choice? The subject is talked about obsessively. There’s a ton of media focused on why we aren’t happy, and all kinds of advice on how to get there that largely misses the point. Happiness doesn’t come from success or material wealth, or even from a place where everything in […]

Practical Insight: Lighting the Fire

Let’s talk about motivation. When we think about what motivates us, there are some grave misunderstandings about why we do the things we do – particularly when it comes to personal changes and development. What lights the fire? How do we light the fire in ourselves, and is it possible to light it in others? […]

Practical Insight: The Neverending Interview

As leaders, we often consider how to get the most out of our teams… But we don’t necessarily approach it with the right tools or attitude. If you’re thinking from the top down, about extracting value instead of inspiring it, you’ll never build a dream team that makes your organization thrive. Every team member has […]

The Gratitude Principle

“Gratitude is not a passive response to something we have been given, gratitude arises from paying attention, from being awake in the presence of everything that lives within and without and beside us. Gratitude is not necessarily something that is shown after the event, it is the deep, a-priori state of attention that shows we […]

Practical Insight: From Burnout to Freedom

You work REALLY hard. You wouldn’t be where you are today without it. As the leader of your organization, you have to make sure things are taken care of, that operations are running smoothly, that everyone involved is on point, and so much more. Eventually, though, you get burnt out. No one can handle everything […]

Practical Insight: The 90 Day SPRINT

Have you ever stopped to consider why musicians rehearse so much, or why athletes spend so much time training? It’s not because they’re in trouble or doing something wrong, but instead because they understand the essential importance of preparation. For performers, public facing work is only a small part of their lives – but during […]